Optimization of alcohol benzoylation reaction assisted by DMAP

In organic synthesis, the benzoylation reaction of alcohols is an important chemical transformation, used to introduce benzoyl groups as protective groups Or construct specific functional groups. This reaction plays a key role not only in the pharmaceutical industry but also in materials science and the synthesis of fine chemicals. 4-Dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP), as a highly efficient catalyst, has attracted widespread attention due to its excellent performance in improving reaction rate, yield and selectivity. This article will discuss the optimization strategy of alcohol benzoylation reaction assisted by DMAP, including reaction mechanism, catalyst mechanism, reaction condition optimization and green chemistry considerations.

DMAP-assisted alcohol benzoylation reaction mechanism

DMAP serves as a catalyst and participates in the benzoylation reaction of alcohols through the following steps:

  1. Activate benzoylation reagent: DMAP can form a stable complex with benzoyl chloride or benzoic anhydride through the electron donor effect, reducing the activation energy and making the benzoylation reagent more efficient. Susceptible to nucleophilic attack by alcohol.
  2. Promote nucleophilic substitution: The presence of DMAP accelerates the nucleophilic attack of alcohol molecules on benzoylation reagents, forming a tetrahedral transition state, thereby promoting the formation of ester bonds.
  3. Stabilizing intermediates: During the reaction process, DMAP can stabilize reaction intermediates, avoid side reactions, and improve the selectivity of the target product.

Mechanism of action of DMAP

DMAP enhances the efficiency of alcohol benzoylation reactions by:

  • Electron effect: The nitrogen atom of DMAP has a lone pair of electrons, which can form hydrogen bonds with the carbonyl group of the benzoylation reagent, thereby enhancing its electrophilicity and making the reaction easier to proceed.
  • Steric Effect: The steric hindrance of DMAP helps prevent undesirable side reactions, such as self-condensation of alcohols or other non-specific reactions of alcohols with benzoylation reagents.

Optimization of reaction conditions

In order to maximize the efficiency of the alcohol benzoylation reaction assisted by DMAP, the following reaction conditions need to be carefully optimized:

  1. Catalyst dosage: Although the amount of DMAP added is usually only 5-20% of the molar percentage of the substrate, the optimal dosage needs to be determined experimentally to balance catalytic efficiency and cost.
  2. Solvent selection: Appropriate solvents can improve the uniformity of the reaction mixture. Commonly used solvents include dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran, DMF, etc. When selecting, the impact of the solvent on the reaction rate and selectivity needs to be considered. .
  3. Temperature control: The reaction temperature needs to be adjusted according to the specific reaction system. High temperatures may accelerate the reaction, but may also increase the risk of side reactions, while low temperatures may slow down the reaction rate.
  4. Alkaline conditions: Appropriate alkaline conditions (such as using triethylamine, pyridine, etc.) can neutralize the HCl generated during the reaction, maintain the appropriate pH value of the reaction medium, and promote the normal reaction. To proceed.

Green chemistry considerations

While optimizing the alcohol benzoylation reaction, green chemistry principles should also be fully considered:

  • Use recyclable catalysts: Develop reusable DMAP-derived catalysts to reduce chemical waste and improve economic and environmental benefits.
  • Choose environmentally friendly solvents: Prioritize the use of green solvents, such as water or supercritical carbon dioxide, to reduce the use of toxic solvents.
  • Reduce energy consumption: Use microwave heating or photochemical methods to try to catalyze reactions at lower temperatures to reduce energy consumption.


The optimization of alcohol benzoylation reaction assisted by DMAP is a process involving many considerations, including an in-depth understanding of the reaction mechanism and the amount of catalyst Precise control of reaction conditions, careful optimization of reaction conditions, and compliance with green chemistry principles. By comprehensively applying these strategies, efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation reactions can be achieved, bringing new progress to the field of organic synthesis. Future research will continue to explore more efficient and sustainable catalysts and reaction conditions, and promote the development of organic synthesis in a greener and smarter direction.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Mechanism and Catalyst Selection of Benzoylation of Alcohols

The benzoylation reaction of alcohols is a common organic synthesis transformation, which involves the conversion of the alcohol hydroxyl group into the corresponding benzoylation Derivatives, usually esters or ethers. This process is not only important as a means of protecting alcohol groups in organic synthesis, but is also one of the key steps in the synthesis of complex molecular structures. The benzoylation of alcohols is usually achieved by reacting the alcohol with benzoyl chloride or benzoic anhydride under basic conditions, a reaction called the Schotten-Baumann reaction.

Reaction mechanism

The benzoylation mechanism of alcohols is mainly divided into the following steps:

  1. Activation of benzoyl chloride: When benzoyl chloride reacts with alcohol under alkaline conditions, first the base (such as sodium hydroxide NaOH or potassium carbonate K2CO3) will neutralize the generated HCl, At the same time, benzoyl chloride is activated to form benzoyl oxygen anions that are more susceptible to nucleophilic attack.
  2. Nucleophilic attack: The oxygen atom in the alcohol molecule has a partial negative charge and is nucleophilic, and can attack the carbon atom on the activated benzoyl chloride or benzoic anhydride, thereby forming a The transition state of the tetrahedron.
  3. Elimination and Recombination: In the transition state, the hydroxyl proton of the alcohol molecule is removed by a base, forming a carbon-oxygen double bond and releasing a molecule of water. This process is also accompanied by a rearrangement between the benzoyl group and the carbon atoms of the alcohol molecule, forming an ester bond.
  4. Product formation: The alcohol is successfully converted into the corresponding benzoylated ester, with the release of by-products salt and water.

Catalyst selection

Catalysts play a key role in the benzoylation reaction of alcohols, not only speeding up the reaction but also improving yield and selectivity. Different catalysts are suitable for different reaction conditions and substrate types. Common catalysts include:

  • Alkali catalysts: Such as NaOH, KOH, K2CO3, Et3N, etc., which can neutralize the generated HCl, activate benzoyl chloride, and promote nucleophilic attack.
  • Organic bases: Like triethylamine (TEA), pyridine, dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP), etc., these organic bases can not only neutralize HCl, but can also further neutralize HCl through the electron donor effect. Activate benzoyl chloride and improve reaction efficiency.
  • Metal salts: For example, aluminum trichloride (AlCl3), scandium triflate (Sc(OTf)3), etc., which can activate benzoic anhydride through Lewis acid properties and promote the reaction. conduct.
  • Solid acid catalyst: Such as zeolites, montmorillonites, silica-supported metal oxides, etc. These catalysts can provide mild reaction conditions in some cases and reduce the occurrence of side reactions. .

The choice of catalyst often depends on the target product, reaction conditions and environmental factors. For example, for environmentally friendly synthetic routes, researchers may be tempted to use recyclable solid catalysts to reduce waste generation. In industrial production, more emphasis may be placed on the cost-effectiveness and reaction scale of the catalyst.


Benzoylation of alcohols is a versatile chemical tool widely used in drug synthesis, materials science, and the manufacture of fine chemicals. Understanding the reaction mechanism and rational selection of catalysts are the keys to achieving efficient, highly selective, and environmentally sustainable chemical transformations. With the popularization of the concept of green chemistry, the search for more environmentally friendly and efficient alcohol benzoylation catalysts is still an active research direction in the field of organic chemistry.

The above outlines the basic concepts of the benzoylation mechanism of alcohols and catalyst selection. In practical applications, it may be necessary to consider the optimization of various reaction parameters such as solvent, temperature, and pressure to achieve chemical conversion effects.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62-3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Application cases of alcohol benzoylation catalysts in drug synthesis

Alcohol benzoylation reaction plays an important role in drug synthesis. It not only protects alcohol hydroxyl groups from interference in subsequent reactions, but also serves as a A key step in building complex molecular skeletons. Catalysts play a central role in this reaction and can significantly improve the selectivity and efficiency of the reaction while reducing the formation of by-products. The following are several application cases of alcohol benzoylation catalysts in drug synthesis, demonstrating how this technology can facilitate drug development and production.

Case 1: Synthetic antiviral drug clofarabine

Clofarabine is a nucleoside analog used to treat certain types of leukemia and lymphoma. In the process of synthesizing clofarabine, benzoyl chloride is used as a benzoylation reagent and reacts with alcohols to generate the corresponding benzoate ester. Studies have shown that by optimizing reaction conditions, such as temperature, catalyst input, and solvent selection, the yield and purity of the product can be significantly improved. For example, the use of appropriate catalysts, such as 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP), can achieve efficient conversion under mild conditions while reducing the occurrence of side reactions, which is crucial for mass production and cost control of drugs.

Case 2: Preparation of the antifungal drug ketoconazole

Ketoconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug. Its synthesis route involves multiple steps, one of which is the key step of benzoylation of alcohol. In this process, choosing the appropriate catalyst can effectively control the selectivity of the reaction and avoid the formation of unnecessary by-products, such as isomers or oxidation by-products. For example, the use of solid acid catalysts, such as supported metal oxides, can carry out the benzoylation reaction of alcohols in water, which not only improves the selectivity of the reaction, but also realizes an environmentally friendly synthesis route, which is in line with the principles of green chemistry.

Case 3: Synthetic anticancer drug paclitaxel

Paclitaxel is a natural anti-cancer drug extracted from the yew plant. In the total synthesis route of paclitaxel, benzoylation of alcohol is one of the key steps in building its complex molecular structure. Catalyst selection is crucial to control the stereochemistry of the reaction, as the activity of paclitaxel is largely dependent on its specific stereoconfiguration. Using chiral catalysts, such as chiral phosphoric acid or chiral ligand-assisted metal catalysts, benzoylation of alcohols can be completed with high stereoselectivity to obtain paclitaxel precursors with high optical purity, which is very useful in drug synthesis. Characteristics of value.

Case 4: Preparing the analgesic ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug widely used to relieve pain and fever. In the synthesis route of ibuprofen, benzoylation of alcohol can be used as a step to introduce specific functional groups on the benzene ring. Catalyst selection must take into account not only the reaction rate but also the purity and cost-effectiveness of the final product. For example, using cheap and easily recyclable catalysts, such as silica-supported metal ions, can reduce production costs while simplifying post-processing, an important consideration for large-scale production of ibuprofen.

Case 5: Synthetic antidepressant fluoxetine

Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat depression and other mood disorders. During the synthesis of fluoxetine, benzoylation of alcohols can be used to protect sensitive functional groups from destruction in subsequent reactions. The use of efficient and stable catalysts, such as transition metal complexes, can ensure that the reaction proceeds under mild conditions and avoid damage to the activity of the final product. In addition, the recyclability and regeneration ability of the catalyst are also key indicators to evaluate its applicability in industrial production.


The application of alcohol benzoylation catalysts in drug synthesis not only improves the efficiency and selectivity of the reaction, but also promotes the development of green chemistry and sustainable manufacturing. With carefully designed catalysts and optimized reaction conditions, the drug synthesis process can become more economical, environmentally friendly, and efficient. As catalyst science continues to advance, we can expect more innovative catalyst systems to be developed to address challenges in drug synthesis and promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the pharmaceutical industry.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Factors affecting catalyst activity in alcohol benzoylation reaction

Alcohol benzoylation reaction is an important transformation in organic synthesis. It involves the substitution of the alcohol hydroxyl group by a benzoyl group to form the corresponding of parabens. This reaction is widely used in the preparation of fine chemicals such as drugs, spices, and dyes. Catalysts play a crucial role in the benzoylation reaction of alcohols. They can not only significantly accelerate the reaction rate, but also improve the selectivity and yield of the product. However, the activity of catalysts is affected by many factors, and understanding and controlling these factors is crucial to optimizing reaction conditions and improving reaction efficiency. This article will delve into the factors affecting catalyst activity in the benzoylation reaction of alcohols.

Properties of the catalyst itself

1. Active Center

The activity of a catalyst mainly depends on the active centers on its surface. The number and nature of active centers determine the activity of the catalyst. For example, the activity of a metal catalyst may be related to the electronic structure of the metal atoms on its surface, while the activity of a solid acid catalyst may depend on the strength and distribution of acidic sites.

2. Vector

The catalyst support also affects its activity. The carrier not only provides physical support but may also affect the dispersion, stability and mass transfer performance of the catalyst. For example, a support with a high specific surface area can increase the number of active sites, thereby improving catalytic activity.

3. Auxiliary

The addition of additives can change the electronic properties or geometric configuration of the catalyst, thereby affecting its activity. For example, additives can improve the stability of the active center and prevent the catalyst from deactivating during the reaction.

Reaction conditions

1. Temperature

Temperature has a direct impact on catalyst activity. Higher temperatures usually speed up reaction rates, but may also lead to thermal deactivation of the catalyst or exacerbation of side reactions. Finding the optimal reaction temperature is key to optimizing catalytic efficiency.

2. Pressure

For alcohol benzoylation reactions involving gas participation, changes in pressure can directly affect the adsorption and desorption balance of reactants on the catalyst surface, thereby affecting the activity of the catalyst.

3. Solvent

The properties of the solvent (such as polarity, boiling point, etc.) can affect the solubility and diffusion rate of reactants and products on the catalyst surface, thereby indirectly affecting the catalyst activity.

4. Reactant concentration

The concentration of reactants will affect the degree of saturation of the catalyst and the reaction rate. In some cases, too high a reactant concentration may lead to clogging of the catalyst surface, which in turn reduces its activity.

Poisoning and suppression

1. Poison

Trace amounts of poisoning agents (such as sulfur, phosphorus, heavy metal ions, etc.) may combine with the active center of the catalyst, causing the active center to lose its catalytic ability. Identifying and controlling the presence of poisoning agents is an important step in maintaining catalyst activity.

2. Inhibitors

Inhibitors are different from poisons in that they may only temporarily reduce catalyst activity, but can be restored with appropriate treatment. The presence of inhibitors needs to be overcome through a catalyst regeneration process.

Physical factors

1. Mechanical stability

The shape, size and mechanical strength of the catalyst particles also affect their activity. For example, easily broken catalysts can lead to the loss of active sites, thereby reducing catalytic efficiency.

2. Thermal Stability

The thermal stability of a catalyst under reaction conditions determines whether it can maintain activity at high temperatures. Thermal unstable catalysts will gradually deactivate during the reaction, affecting the sustainability and efficiency of the reaction.


There are many factors that affect the catalyst activity in the alcohol benzoylation reaction. From the properties of the catalyst itself to the reaction conditions, to poisoning and inhibition, each factor requires careful consideration and precise control. In order to achieve efficient, selective and environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation reaction, scientific researchers need to comprehensively apply chemical, physical and engineering principles to continuously explore and optimize the design of catalysts and reaction conditions in order to achieve the best results in practical applications. As the concepts of green chemistry and sustainable development become increasingly popular, future research on alcohol benzoylation catalysts will pay more attention to the balance of activity, selectivity and environmental compatibility to meet increasingly stringent environmental requirements and economic benefits.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Research on environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts

The development of environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts is an important issue in the field of green chemistry, aiming to reduce the impact of the chemical industry on the environment. Improve production efficiency and economic benefits at the same time. The benzoylation reaction of alcohols is a key step in organic synthesis and is often used to protect or transform alcohol hydroxyl groups. However, traditional catalysts such as aluminum chloride, sulfuric acid, etc. are often accompanied by serious environmental pollution problems. Therefore, the development of environmentally friendly, efficient and recyclable catalysts has become a current research hotspot. This article will discuss the research progress of environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts, including catalyst types, catalytic mechanisms, performance evaluation, and application of green chemistry principles.

Catalyst type

1. Solid acid catalyst

Solid acid catalysts, such as zeolites, montmorillonites, silica-supported metal oxides, etc., have shown great potential in alcohol benzoylation reactions due to their high activity, stability, and easy separation and recovery. . They catalyze reactions under mild conditions, reducing the formation of by-products, while avoiding the corrosive and difficult-to-handle problems of liquid acid catalysts.

2. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)

MOFs are a class of porous materials composed of metal nodes and organic ligands with high specific surface area and adjustable pore size, which allows them to provide a large number of active sites. As a catalyst, MOFs show excellent activity and selectivity in the alcohol benzoylation reaction, and are easy to separate and reuse after the reaction, embodying the principles of “atom economy” and “catalyst recyclability” of green chemistry.

3. Biocatalyst

Enzymes, especially lipases, serve as biocatalysts and exhibit high stereoselectivity and chemoselectivity in alcohol benzoylation reactions. They can work under mild conditions, avoid harsh conditions such as high temperature and high pressure, reduce energy consumption and reduce negative impact on the environment.

Catalytic mechanism and performance evaluation

The catalytic mechanism of environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts usually involves the activation of alcohol and benzoic acid derivatives by the catalyst to promote the esterification reaction of the two. Catalyst performance evaluation mainly includes catalytic efficiency (such as conversion rate and yield), selectivity, stability and recyclability. An efficient catalyst should be able to achieve high conversion rates in a short period of time while minimizing the formation of by-products, maintain long-term catalytic activity, and be easily recovered and regenerated after the reaction.

Application of green chemistry principles

Atomic economy

Environmentally friendly catalysts should minimize the generation of by-products and achieve maximum utilization of raw materials, which is in line with the “atom economy” principle of green chemistry.

Catalyst recyclability

Developing recyclable catalysts can significantly reduce the generation of chemical waste and reduce the burden on the environment. The recycling and reuse of catalysts not only saves resources but also reduces production costs.

Use environmentally friendly solvents

Choosing low-toxic, easily biodegradable solvents, such as water or supercritical carbon dioxide, can reduce environmental impact while helping to improve reaction selectivity and efficiency.


The research on environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts aims to solve the environmental problems caused by traditional catalytic systems and develop efficient and recyclable catalysts by adopting green chemistry principles. The emergence of new catalysts such as solid acid catalysts, MOFs and biocatalysts provides the possibility to achieve this goal. Future research directions will focus on catalyst performance optimization, mechanism deepening and industrial application, in order to minimize the impact on the environment while ensuring production efficiency and promote the sustainable development of the chemical industry. With the continuous deepening of the concept of green chemistry and the continuous innovation of technology, we have reason to believe that environmentally friendly alcohol benzoylation catalysts will bring a green revolution to the field of organic synthesis.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Recovery and reuse technology of alcohol benzoylation catalyst

The benzoylation reaction of alcohols occupies an important position in the field of organic synthesis. It can not only protect the alcohol hydroxyl group, but also be used to construct complex of organic molecules. This process usually requires the participation of a catalyst to improve the efficiency and selectivity of the reaction. The recycling and reuse of catalysts is not only an economic consideration, but also a key strategy to respond to the principles of green chemistry, reduce waste emissions and conserve resources. This article will provide an in-depth look at recovery and reuse technologies for alcohol benzoylation catalysts, including their importance, current technology, and future trends.

The importance of catalyst recovery

The cost of catalysts, especially those based on precious metals such as platinum, palladium, rhodium, is often prohibitive. Not only are these precious metals expensive, but their resources are limited. Catalyst recycling therefore not only significantly reduces production costs but also reduces the need for scarce resources. In addition, the recycling and reuse of catalysts reduces environmental impact, as improper disposal of spent catalysts can lead to heavy metal contamination, which can harm ecology and human health.

Existing recycling technologies

Recycling of solid catalyst

For solid catalysts, physical recovery is the straightforward method. This involves simple filtration or centrifugation to separate the catalyst from the reaction mixture. The advantage of solid catalysts is that they are easy to separate and in many cases can be reused multiple times without additional processing.

Recycling of homogeneous catalyst

The recovery of homogeneous catalysts is more complicated because they are usually dissolved in the reaction medium. A common recovery method is to precipitate the catalyst by adding ligands or additives, followed by separation by filtration or centrifugation. Another method is to use supercritical fluid extraction, which is particularly suitable for systems that are difficult to separate.

Recycling of precious metal catalysts

The recovery of precious metal catalysts usually involves more specialized technology and equipment. The acid-base method is a commonly used technique that uses a specific acid or alkali solution to dissolve precious metals and then recover them through reduction or other chemical means. In recent years, some new technologies such as ionic liquid extraction and membrane separation technology have gradually been applied to the recovery of precious metal catalysts.

Recycling technology

Reuse of a catalyst often requires an assessment of whether its activity and selectivity remain unchanged. Catalyst regeneration may include cleaning, drying and reactivation. For example, for some precious metal catalysts, oxygen treatment at high temperatures can remove impurities adsorbed on the surface and restore their activity.

Future trends and challenges

Green recycling technology

With the development of green chemistry, environmentally friendly catalyst recovery technology has become a research hotspot. The increasing use of biodegradable materials and biotechnology in catalyst recovery can help reduce the use of chemical reagents and the generation of waste.

Smart Catalyst

The design and development of intelligent catalysts is also a trend in the future. This type of catalyst can automatically deactivate or aggregate after the reaction, making it easy to recycle. In addition, through the dynamic regulation of smart catalysts, precise control of the reaction process can be achieved, further improving efficiency and selectivity.

Multifunctional catalyst

Multifunctional catalysts, that is, catalysts that can catalyze multiple reaction steps at the same time, can simplify the production process, reduce the amount of catalyst used, and also reduce the difficulty and cost of recycling.


Catalyst recovery and reuse technology is an indispensable part of the modern chemical industry. By adopting advanced recycling methods and catalyst regeneration technology, not only can production costs be reduced, but pressure on the environment can also be reduced. With the advancement of science and technology, it is expected that more efficient and environmentally friendly catalyst recovery and reuse solutions will appear in the future, promoting the development of the chemical industry in a more sustainable direction. However, to achieve this goal, researchers need to make more efforts in catalyst design, recycling process optimization and green chemistry technology development.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Alcohol benzoylation reaction conditions and catalyst stability

The benzoylation reaction of alcohols is an important and basic chemical transformation in organic synthesis. It is often used to protect the hydroxyl group of alcohols or to construct benzyl-containing compounds. Acyl compounds. The typical pathway for this reaction is via alcohols with benzoyl chloride or benzoic anhydride under basic conditions to form the corresponding benzoate esters. However, the choice of reaction conditions and the stability of the catalyst are crucial to achieve high yields and selectivity. This article will delve into the optimization of alcohol benzoylation reaction conditions and the key factors for catalyst stability.

Optimization of reaction conditions

Solvent selection

Solvent not only affects the rate of reaction, but may also affect the activity of the catalyst and the selectivity of the product. Commonly used solvents include polar aprotic solvents such as methylene chloride, THF (tetrahydrofuran) and DMF (N,N-dimethylformamide). The choice of solvent should consider its solubility to the reaction substrate and catalyst, as well as its compatibility with the reaction environment.

Temperature control

Control of reaction temperature is crucial to avoid side reactions and improve yield. Generally speaking, lower temperatures help reduce side reactions, but may reduce the reaction rate; higher temperatures may accelerate reactions, but also increase the risk of side reactions. Therefore, finding a balance point that can both ensure the reaction rate and suppress side reactions is the key to temperature control.

Catalyst and alkaline conditions

The benzoylation reaction of alcohols usually needs to be carried out under alkaline conditions to neutralize the generated HCl and promote the reaction. Commonly used bases include sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium carbonate (K2CO3), and triethylamine (Et3N). The type and concentration of the base will affect the direction and rate of the reaction. Furthermore, the choice of catalyst, such as 4-dimethylaminopyridine (DMAP) or tetramethylguanidine (TMG), can significantly improve the efficiency and selectivity of the reaction.

Catalyst stability

The stability of the catalyst is crucial to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of the reaction. Catalyst deactivation can be due to a variety of reasons, including thermal decomposition, solvent effects, generation of side reactions, or loss of ligands. Catalyst stability can be improved in the following ways:

Ligand design

In homogeneous catalysis, the design of ligands can greatly affect the stability of the catalyst. For example, in hydroformylation reactions, catalyst poisoning can be prevented and stability improved by designing α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds with special structures.

Catalyst carrier

Loading the catalyst on a solid carrier, such as silica, alumina or carbon materials, can increase its thermal and mechanical stability, and also facilitate the recovery and reuse of the catalyst.

Optimization of reaction conditions

As mentioned earlier, mild reaction conditions (such as temperature, pressure and solvent) help maintain the activity and stability of the catalyst and avoid premature deactivation of the catalyst.

Application of cocatalyst

Certain cocatalysts, such as lanthanide complexes, can work in conjunction with the main catalyst to improve its stability while increasing the selectivity and yield of the reaction.


The benzoylation reaction of alcohols is a key step in synthetic chemistry. The reaction conditions and the selection and stability of the catalyst are important factors that determine the reaction efficiency and product quality. By optimizing solvent, temperature, basic conditions, and catalyst selection, the yield and selectivity of the reaction can be significantly improved. At the same time, by improving the design and reaction conditions of the catalyst, the stability of the catalyst can be enhanced, its service life can be extended, and the consumption of the catalyst can be reduced, thereby reducing costs and improving the economic benefits and environmental sustainability of the entire process. Future research will focus on developing more efficient, stable and environmentally friendly catalysts, as well as exploring new reaction conditions to meet the growing needs of chemical synthesis.

Extended reading:

N-Ethylcyclohexylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

CAS 2273-43-0/monobutyltin oxide/Butyltin oxide – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

T120 1185-81-5 di(dodecylthio) dibutyltin – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DABCO 1027/foaming retarder – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DBU – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

bismuth neodecanoate – morpholine

DMCHA – morpholine

amine catalyst Dabco 8154 – BDMAEE

2-ethylhexanoic-acid-potassium-CAS-3164-85-0-Dabco-K-15.pdf (bdmaee.net)

Dabco BL-11 catalyst CAS3033-62- 3 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate as a heat stabiliser for PVC: properties, applications and market insights

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), as one of the widely used plastics in the world, plays an important role in many industries such as construction, packaging, automotive and medical. However, PVC is highly susceptible to thermal degradation during processing, releasing hydrogen chloride (HCl), which not only reduces the physical properties of the product but also may cause environmental pollution problems. Therefore, heat stabilisers have become indispensable additives in PVC processing, among which Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate (DBMS) has become the focus of the industry due to its excellent heat stability and processing performance.

Chemical properties and structure
Dibutyltin maleate (DBMS) is an organotin compound with the molecular formula C18H34O4Sn. Its structure combines maleate and dibutyltin groups. This structure gives DBMS unique chemical properties, including good thermal stability and transparency, making it effective in preventing yellowing in PVC products and maintaining the colour and transparency of the material.

Thermal stability and processing performance
As a heat stabiliser, DBMS is able to inhibit the formation of HCl at PVC processing temperatures, thus preventing chain breakage reactions and slowing down the degradation process of PVC. Its efficient thermal stability means that the mechanical strength and appearance quality of PVC can be maintained even at high temperatures. In addition, DBMS provides some lubrication to improve the flow and processability of the PVC melt, reducing equipment wear and improving productivity.

Application areas
Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate is mainly used in PVC films, hoses, cables, profiles and other soft and semi-hard PVC products. Especially in transparent or light-coloured PVC products, the excellent transparency and colour stability of DBMS make it the first choice. DBMS also performs well in rigid PVC products that require high heat resistance, such as building materials and pipes, ensuring that the finished product maintains good physical properties and aesthetics over the long term.

Market dynamics and future trends
The global PVC heat stabiliser market continues to grow. As a high-end product, the market demand for Dibutyltin maleate (DBMS) is strongly influenced by environmental policies and consumers’ pursuit of high-quality products. In recent years, as concerns about the environmental and health risks of organotin compounds have increased, the market has gradually tended to look for safer and more environmentally friendly alternatives. Nevertheless, DBMS still has a place in certain high-performance PVC applications due to its unrivalled performance advantages.

Environmental and Health Considerations
While DBMS offers excellent thermal stabilisation, the environmental and health risks associated with organotin compounds in general cannot be ignored. International studies have shown that some organotin compounds can be toxic to aquatic organisms and pose a potential threat to human health. Therefore, manufacturers and users need to strictly comply with relevant regulations and take appropriate measures to minimise emissions and exposure risks.

As an efficient PVC heat stabiliser, the role of dibutyltin monooctyl maleate in improving the thermal stability and processing performance of PVC products should not be underestimated. In the face of increasingly stringent environmental standards and rising public health awareness, the industry needs to continue to explore and innovate to develop safer and more sustainable heat stabiliser solutions to meet the changing needs of the market in the future.

References and Data Updates
This article is written based on new data as of 2024. Considering the rapid changes in industry trends, readers are advised to further consult new industry reports and scientific studies for accurate information when citing specific data or cases.

Please note that the above is an overview constructed based on existing knowledge and is not a direct quote from literature or research reports. When used in academic writing or professional publications, new research and data should be adapted and cited accordingly.

Extended Reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate market analysis and price trends


Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate (DBMS for short), as a type of PVC heat stabilizer, occupies an important position in the PVC processing industry because of its excellent thermal stability and processing characteristics. With the continuous development of the PVC market and increasingly stringent environmental protection requirements, the market performance and price trends of DBMS have become the focus of attention both inside and outside the industry.

Market Overview

Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate is mainly used in the production of PVC products, especially those that require high transparency and good thermal stability, such as films, hoses and cables. In recent years, as global PVC consumption has increased, the demand for DBMS has also increased. However, the environmental and health effects of organotin compounds have attracted widespread attention, prompting the industry to search for more environmentally friendly alternatives, which has had an impact on the market share and price of DBMS.

Price Trend

Looking back over the past few years, the price fluctuations of DBMS have been affected by a variety of factors, including raw material costs, progress in production technology, supply and demand relationships, and adjustments to environmental policies. At the beginning of 2023, an in-depth research report pointed out that the price trend of dibutyltin maleate is affected by the supply of upstream raw materials, production demand, and import and export market dynamics. With the maturity of production technology and large-scale production, costs have declined, but in certain periods, prices may rise due to fluctuations in raw material prices or tightening of environmental policies.

Influencing factors

  • Raw material cost: As an organotin compound, the production cost of DBMS is directly affected by the price of tin and monooctyl maleate. Fluctuations in the price of tin metal are directly related to the cost basis of DBMS.
  • Environmental protection policies: Restrictions and bans on organotin compounds are gradually increasing globally, especially environmental policies such as the EU REACH regulations, which have set strict standards for the production and use of DBMS, increasing compliance costs.
  • Technological innovation: The research and development of new stabilizers may affect the market position of DBMS. If the new thermal stabilizer has better performance or lower environmental impact, it may seize the DBMS part. market share.
  • Supply and demand relationship: The development of the PVC industry and the expansion of downstream application fields, such as changes in demand in the construction, automotive and medical industries, directly affect the supply and demand balance of DBMS.

Market Outlook

It is expected that the DBMS market will face a more complex environment in the next few years. On the one hand, as the PVC industry transforms towards higher quality and environmental protection, the demand for DBMS will continue to exist, especially in the field of high-end PVC products. On the other hand, tightening environmental regulations may limit its use in certain areas and push the market toward greener alternatives. Manufacturers need to pay close attention to market dynamics and adjust product structure and market strategies in a timely manner to cope with challenges and seize opportunities.


Market analysis of dibutyltin monooctyl maleate shows that although it faces challenges from environmental protection policies and technological progress, its application value in specific fields is still solid. Price trends are affected by many factors, and companies need to respond flexibly, optimize supply chain management, and strengthen technology research and development to maintain market competitiveness. In the future, the market performance of DBMS will depend on whether it can meet more stringent environmental standards while meeting performance requirements.

The above analysis is based on historical data and industry trends. Taking into account the complexity and uncertainty of the market environment, actual prices and market performance may vary depending on the specific time. Varies by region. Industry participants are advised to regularly monitor market dynamics and develop flexible business strategies to respond to future market changes.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Application of dibutyltin monooctyl maleate in soft PVC


Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate (DBMS), as a high-performance organic tin heat stabilizer, is widely used in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) processing, especially in the production of soft PVC products. Its unique advantages make it the preferred material in the industry. This article aims to explore the application characteristics, mechanism of action and market prospects of DBMS in soft PVC.

Characteristics and challenges of soft PVC

Soft PVC obtains flexibility and elasticity by adding plasticizers such as phthalates, and is widely used in films, wires and cables, toys, medical supplies and other fields. However, soft PVC faces the risk of thermal and oxidative degradation during processing and use, which can lead to reduced material performance, discoloration, brittleness and other problems. Therefore, choosing the right heat stabilizer is crucial to extending the service life of soft PVC.

The mechanism and advantages of DBMS

The application of dibutyltin monooctyl maleate in soft PVC is mainly based on its following mechanism of action and characteristics:

  1. HCl absorption capacity: DBMS can effectively capture the hydrogen chloride (HCl) released during the decomposition of PVC, preventing it from further catalyzing the degradation reaction, thereby protecting the integrity of the PVC molecular chain.
  2. Free radical scavenging: During the thermal processing of PVC, DBMS can capture free radicals and prevent them from causing chain cleavage, thus improving the thermal stability of PVC.
  3. Antioxidant performance: DBMS can also provide a certain degree of antioxidant protection to prevent PVC from deteriorating due to oxidation during long-term use.
  4. Good compatibility: DBMS has good compatibility with PVC and plasticizers and will not affect the transparency and softness of soft PVC.

Application examples in soft PVC

In the production of soft PVC films, the addition of DBMS can significantly improve the film’s transparency and anti-yellowing ability, and extend its life for outdoor use. In the manufacturing of wire and cable insulation layers, DBMS can ensure the thermal stability of the material during processing and long-term use, and avoid electrical performance degradation caused by thermal degradation. In addition, the low toxicity of DBMS makes it an ideal choice among medical-grade soft PVC products that can meet strict hygiene and safety standards.

Market trends and prospects

With the increasing global awareness of environmental protection and health, the use of organotin compounds has been subject to certain restrictions. However, DBMS still has its place in some specific soft PVC applications due to its lower toxicity levels and excellent performance. In the future, the DBMS market will be affected by two factors: First, stricter environmental regulations may push the industry to shift to greener stabilizers; second, technological progress may lead to the development of alternatives with better performance and better environmental protection. . Despite the challenges, demand for DBMS in high-performance and specialty applications will continue, especially in soft PVC products with extremely high requirements for transparency, stability and safety.


Dibutyltin monooctyl maleate is an ideal heat stabilizer for soft PVC. Through its unique chemical properties and mechanism of action, it is an ideal thermal stabilizer for soft PVC. High-quality PVC products provide necessary protection, extend their service life, and improve product quality and performance. Facing the dual challenges of market and technology, the application of DBMS will pay more attention to its value in specific fields, while seeking harmonious coexistence with environmental protection trends to achieve sustainable development.

This analysis is based on current industry knowledge and practice. Taking into account the rapid development of the soft PVC market and stabilizer technology, future product formulas and market strategies may need to be adjusted based on new scientific research results and environmental protection requirements.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (newtopchem.com)

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE