Application of methyltin mercaptide in water treatment

Methyltin mercaptide, as an organotin compound, its application in the field of water treatment is mainly reflected in its use as an auxiliary or additive role, particularly in the treatment of industrial wastewaters, especially those associated with plastic additives, coatings, pesticides, and certain industrial processes where wastewaters contain organic contaminants. Although the direct application of methyltin thiol may be limited by its potential ecotoxicity, its derivatives or methyltin thiol generated during treatment can be incorporated into specific water treatment processes for water quality control and purification. wastewater.

Adsorption and removal of pollutants

Methyltin thiol compounds have a good balance of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, which makes them effective in adsorbing and removing a variety of organic pollutants in water treatment. For example, they can form stable complexes with heavy metal ions in water and then be separated from the water through precipitation or filtration. In addition, the thiol group (-SH) has a strong affinity for many organic compounds and can promote the adsorption and decomposition of pollutants.

Microbiological Control

Microbial growth is often a problem during water treatment processes, especially in aeration tanks in wastewater treatment plants. Due to their antibacterial and antifungal properties, methyltin thiol compounds can be used to control the overgrowth of these microorganisms and maintain the normal operation of treatment systems. However, it is worth noting that this application requires strict control of dosage to avoid unnecessary negative effects on environmental microorganisms.

Wastewater pre-treatment and post-treatment

Methyltin mercaptide can be used as a coagulant or filter aid in the wastewater pretreatment stage to improve the settling performance of suspended solids and increase filtration efficiency. In the post-treatment stage, they can help degrade refractory organic pollutants by participating in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). For example, through photocatalytic degradation, methyltin thiol can be used as part of the photocatalyst to accelerate the oxidative decomposition of organic matter.

Sludge conditioning

In the sludge treatment process, methyltin mercaptide compounds can be used for sludge conditioning to improve the dehydration performance of the sludge. By changing the surface charge and hydration state of sludge particles, they promote the aggregation of sludge particles and form larger flocs, which facilitates subsequent dehydration and disposal.

Water quality adjustment

Methyltin mercaptides can also be used to adjust the pH of water. Although this is not their primary application, in some cases they can react with acids or bases to help adjust the pH of the water to Suitable range, which is crucial for the discharge or reuse of wastewater.

Environmental and health considerations

Although methyltin thiols and their derivatives exhibit a variety of beneficial applications in water treatment, their use must be cautious because organotin compounds may have adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems, including bioaccumulation and Biomagnification effects and possible threats to human health. Therefore, any water treatment process involving methyltin mercaptol must comply with strict environmental standards and operating practices to minimize its potential ecological risks.


The application of methyltin thiol in water treatment is a complex and multi-faceted field, which not only demonstrates the role of chemical substances in solving actual environmental problems It also reminds us of the responsibilities and limitations in the use of chemicals. With the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of environmental protection awareness, future water treatment technology will be more inclined to adopt more environmentally friendly and sustainable methods to achieve effective management and protection of water resources.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Biological activity of organotin thiol complexes

Organotin thiol complexes are a class of compounds formed by an organotin center and a thiol ligand. They have caused great problems in the fields of chemistry and biology. has attracted widespread attention, especially in biological activity research. The biological activities of this class of compounds cover a range of different areas, including antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, antioxidant, and effects on enzyme activity.

Antibacterial and antiviral activity

Organotin thiol complexes exhibit the ability to combat a variety of bacteria and viruses due to their ability to interfere with microbial metabolic processes, disrupt the integrity of cell membranes, or inhibit the activity of key enzymes. For example, some thiol organotin compounds have been shown to have antimicrobial effects against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and even against some antibiotic-resistant strains. In terms of antiviral activity, these compounds may act by inhibiting certain steps in the viral replication cycle.

Anti-tumor activity

Research has found that organotin thiol complexes have significant anti-tumor activity and can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, induce apoptosis, and affect the formation of tumor blood vessels. This anti-tumor effect may be related to their interference with cell signaling pathways, such as inhibiting the activity of certain protein kinases, thereby affecting the survival and proliferation of tumor cells.

Antioxidant activity

Organotin thiol complexes can scavenge free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, thereby exhibiting antioxidant activity. This property has potential therapeutic value for the prevention and treatment of diseases related to oxidative damage, such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and inflammation.

Effect on enzyme activity

Some organotin thiol complexes can bind to the active site of enzymes, thereby affecting enzyme activity. For example, they may inhibit the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which has important implications in the development of drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, the effects on other enzymes may also affect metabolic processes, thereby producing various biologically active effects on organisms.

Biological safety considerations

Although organotin thiol complexes exhibit a wide range of biological activities, their biosafety is also an important issue. Organotin compounds may accumulate in the environment and be passed through the food chain, posing potential risks to aquatic life and human health. Long-term or excessive exposure to organotins can cause damage to the nervous system, immune system and reproductive system. Therefore, when developing and applying such compounds, their ecological and health risks must be carefully evaluated to ensure safe use.


Study on the biological activity of organotin thiol complexes provides new ideas for drug design and new material development. Their potential in antibacterial, antiviral, antitumor, antioxidant, and regulation of enzyme activity provides possible solutions to a variety of health and environmental problems. However, considering its potential ecological and health risks, further research should focus on optimizing the balance between its biological activity and biosafety to promote its safe application in medical and industrial fields. As research continues, we are expected to discover more about the biological activity mechanisms of these compounds and new ways of using them to benefit humans and the environment.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Case Study on the Application of Tin Butyl Mercaptate in Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Stabilizer


Butylmercaptostannane, chemical formula C4H10OSSn, CAS number 26410-42-4, is an efficient organotin stabilizer that is widely used in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products to improve the thermal stability of the material. Stability and processing performance. PVC is an extremely important thermoplastic, but it has poor thermal stability and is prone to degradation during processing, resulting in reduced product performance. Therefore, adding appropriate stabilizers is crucial to ensuring the quality of PVC products.

Characteristics of butyltin mercaptide

As a thiol metal compound, butyltin mercaptide has good thermal stability and transparency, and can effectively inhibit the dehydrochlorination reaction of PVC at high temperatures and prevent polymer chain breakage, thus extending the service life of PVC. . In addition, it can provide good initial coloration and long-term stability, allowing PVC products to maintain their original color and mechanical properties.

Application cases

In the production of rigid PVC products, such as profiles, pipes and sheets, tin butylmercaptide is used as a primary stabilizer or part of a co-stabilizer. For example, a PVC profile manufacturer discovered during the production process that the traditionally used calcium zinc stabilizer could not meet the strict requirements of some high-end markets. Especially for products for long-term outdoor use, its weather resistance and color stability were obviously insufficient.

To address this issue, the manufacturer began evaluating and testing the possibility of tin butyl mercaptide as a stabilizer. After a series of laboratory tests and small-scale production tests, the results show that after adding an appropriate amount of butyltin mercaptide, the thermal stability and color stability of PVC profiles are significantly improved. Even under long-term outdoor exposure conditions, the product It can also maintain a low yellowing index without significant decrease in mechanical strength.

Implementation details

In the specific implementation process, the amount of butyltin mercaptide added needs to be adjusted according to the specific requirements of the PVC formula and the expected performance targets. Generally speaking, the addition amount is between 0.1% and 0.5% to achieve good stabilizing effect. In order to ensure uniform dispersion, butyltin mercaptide is usually added to PVC resin during the mixing stage together with other auxiliary stabilizers (such as antioxidants, light stabilizers) and lubricants.

Results and discussion

After the optimized formula, PVC profiles not only show excellent processing fluidity and colorability in the initial processing stage, but also have significantly improved physical properties and appearance quality during the subsequent use cycle. Especially in outdoor environments, the addition of butyltin mercaptide extends the service life of PVC profiles from the original 5-7 years to more than 10 years, greatly improving the market competitiveness of the product.


As a high-performance PVC stabilizer, tin butyl mercaptide can effectively improve the thermal stability and long-term durability of PVC products through its unique chemical structure and mechanism of action. In the PVC processing industry, rational selection and optimization of stabilizer systems are of great significance to the development of high-quality, high value-added PVC products.


This case study is based on industry experience and public literature. Specific values ​​and case details may vary depending on the experimental conditions of different manufacturers. For more detailed information, it is recommended to refer to professional literature and reports in the relevant field.

Please note that the above case study is constructed based on a general understanding of the properties and applications of tin butyl mercaptide and is not based on a specific actual industrial case . In practical applications, the performance of butyltin mercaptide may be affected by a variety of factors, including but not limited to the type of PVC resin, processing conditions, blend composition, etc. Therefore, when selecting and using butyltin mercaptide as a stabilizer, sufficient testing and evaluation should be carried out to ensure the best results.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Butyltin mercaptide synthesis method and technology

Synthesis method and process of tin butyl mercaptide

Butylmercaptostannane, chemical formula C4H10OSSn, is a commonly used organotin compound, mainly used as a stabilizer for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and is favored for its excellent thermal stability and transparency. . The following will discuss several typical synthesis methods and process flows of butyltin mercaptide.

Synthetic route one: reaction between butyltin chloride and mercaptans

This is one of the common methods for synthesizing tin butyl mercaptide. Butyltin chloride (BuSnCl3) is used as the starting material and reacts with butylthiol (BuSH) under an appropriate solvent and temperature to generate butyltin mercaptide. This reaction can be expressed as:


Process steps:
  1. Raw material preparation: Weigh butyltin chloride and butylmercaptan in a certain proportion, and prepare a dry reaction vessel and solvent.
  2. Control of reaction conditions: Under nitrogen protection, dissolve the raw materials in a solvent, such as dichloromethane or tetrahydrofuran, and then stir the mixture under mild heating conditions.
  3. By-product removal: After the reaction is completed, unreacted raw materials and by-products are removed by filtration or distillation. For example, hydrochloric acid can be removed by washing with water.
  4. Product purification: Further purify the product through column chromatography, crystallization or distillation.
  5. Finished product inspection: Products need to undergo quality inspection, including the measurement of purity, color, specific gravity, refractive index and other indicators to ensure compliance with standards.

Synthesis Route 2: Reaction of Butyltin Alcohol and Hydrogen Sulfide

Another synthetic route is to use butyltin alcohol (Bu2SnOH) to react with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to generate butyltin mercaptide. The reaction equation is as follows:


Process steps:
  1. Raw material mixing: Mix butyltin alcohol and hydrogen sulfide gas under an inert gas environment.
  2. Reaction catalysis: Catalysts (such as acids or bases) may be needed to promote the reaction.
  3. Product isolation: by distillation.��Other physical methods separate products and unreacted raw materials.
  4. Refining: Use appropriate methods to remove impurities and improve product purity.

Process notes:

  • Safety considerations: The raw materials and by-products involved in the synthesis process of butyltin mercaptide may be corrosive or toxic. Appropriate personal protective equipment must be worn during operation and in a well-ventilated environment. carried out under the conditions.
  • Reaction conditions: Controlling reaction temperature, pressure and solvent selection are crucial to the efficiency of the reaction and the purity of the product.
  • Environmental protection measures: By-products produced by the reaction, such as hydrochloric acid or water, need to be properly treated to avoid environmental pollution.


The synthesis of tin butyl mercaptide is a process involving multi-step chemical reactions, which requires precise control of reaction conditions and process parameters. In industrial production, factors such as cost-effectiveness, environmental protection and safety regulations also need to be considered to achieve efficient, green and sustainable production goals. Different synthesis routes are suitable for different production scales and needs, and choosing the appropriate process flow is the key to success.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Butyl tin mercaptide market analysis report

Market Overview

As an important organotin compound, butyltin mercaptide is widely used in plastic stabilizers, catalysts and other fields, especially in the processing of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In recent years, with the growth of global demand for environmentally friendly materials and the continued expansion of the PVC industry, the market demand for butyltin mercaptide has shown a steady upward trend. As one of the world’s largest production and consumption markets of butyltin mercaptide, China’s industry dynamics have an important impact on the global market.

Requirements analysis

The main downstream application markets of butyltin mercaptide include PVC products, coatings, adhesives and other industries. With the widespread application of PVC materials in construction, packaging, automobiles and other fields, the demand for high-quality stabilizers continues to increase, driving the market demand for butyltin mercaptide. In addition, consumers’ emphasis on product safety and environmental protection has prompted the industry to transition to more efficient and less toxic stabilizers. As a relatively environmentally friendly choice, butyl tin mercaptide is expected to further expand market demand.

Supply analysis

China’s production capacity of butyltin mercaptide occupies a dominant position globally. There are many large manufacturers in the industry and the market competition is fierce. However, due to the continuous improvement of environmental protection and safety requirements in the production process, some small or non-compliant production capacities have been gradually phased out, and industry concentration has increased. This has led to a general improvement in product quality on the market, but it has also increased production costs and may put upward pressure on product prices.

Technological innovation

Technological innovation is a key factor driving the development of the butyltin mercaptide market. The development of new synthesis technologies, such as the use of more efficient catalysts and more environmentally friendly production processes, not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces environmental pollution and meets the market’s demand for sustainable development. In addition, the optimization of product performance, such as improving thermal stability and transparency, has also promoted the application of butyltin mercaptide in the high-end market.

Market Challenges

Although the market prospects of butyltin mercaptide are optimistic, it still faces some challenges. First of all, environmental protection regulations are becoming increasingly strict, which puts forward higher requirements for the production of butyltin mercaptide and increases the operating costs of enterprises. Secondly, the emergence of substitutes, such as calcium zinc stabilizers, organotin composite stabilizers, etc., poses a threat to the market share of butyltin mercaptide. Finally, uncertainty in the global supply chain, such as raw material price fluctuations, international trade frictions, etc., may also affect market stability.

Development trends

The butyltin mercaptide market is expected to continue to grow in the next few years, but the growth rate may slow down due to the above-mentioned challenges. The industry will pay more attention to green, environmentally friendly, and efficient production methods, while increasing investment in research and development, improving product performance, and exploring new application areas. In addition, industry consolidation will continue. Large companies will enhance their market competitiveness through mergers and acquisitions, while small companies will need to seek survival space through technological innovation.


The development of the tin butyl mercaptide market is affected by multiple factors, including the growth of downstream demand, the implementation of environmental protection policies, the promotion of technological innovation, etc. . Facing a market environment where challenges and opportunities coexist, companies need to flexibly adjust strategies, strengthen research and development, and increase product added value to maintain competitive advantages. At the same time, the industry should actively respond to the call for environmental protection, promote sustainable development, and jointly build a healthy and stable market ecology.

Please note that the above analysis is based on currently available information and general market trends, and specific market conditions may vary due to changes in a variety of factors. For detailed market data and new developments, it is recommended to refer to new reports from professional market research institutions.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Physical and chemical properties of butyltin mercaptide

Butylmercaptostannane is an organotin compound with a chemical formula of C4H10OSSn and a CAS number of 26410-42-4. As an important class of organometallic compounds, butyltin mercaptide plays an important role in the chemical and industrial fields, especially in the application of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stabilizers.

Physical properties

  • Appearance and status: Tin butyl mercaptide usually appears as a colorless and transparent liquid, which is clear and free of impurities in its pure state.
  • Density: Its density is approximately 1.13 g/cm³, measured at room temperature (20°C).
  • Refractive index: At the same room temperature, the refractive index of butyltin mercaptide is approximately 1.580.
  • Melting point and boiling point: The specific values ​​are not clearly stated in public information, but since it is in a liquid state at room temperature, it can be speculated that its melting point is lower than room temperature and its boiling point is higher than the normal use temperature.
  • Solubility: Butyltin mercaptide has good solubility in most organic solvents, such as dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran, etc., but its solubility in water is limited.

Chemical properties

  • Thermal stability: Butyltin mercaptide has high thermal stability and can function under high temperature conditions of PVC processing, effectively inhibiting the thermal degradation of PVC.
  • Redox properties: Organotin compounds containing thiol groups (-SH) often show certain reducing properties and can react with oxidants.
  • Coordination ability: The thiol group in butyltin mercaptide can be used as a ligand to form a complex with metal ions, which is also one of its important mechanisms as a PVC stabilizer.
  • Reactivity: Reacts with unstable chlorine atoms in PVC to prevent dehydrochlorination reaction, thereby improving the thermal stability and processing performance of PVC.
  • Odor: Butyltin mercaptide may have a distinctive odor related to its thiol group, but its odor is generally considered to be milder than that of other sulfur-containing compounds.

Safety and environmental considerations

  • Toxicity: Organotin compounds usually have some toxicity, and butyltin mercaptide is no exception. Prolonged or heavy exposure may cause adverse effects on human health, especially on the nervous and reproductive systems.
  • Environmental Impact: Organotin compounds degrade slowly in the natural environment and may cause harm to aquatic life. Therefore, strict environmental protection regulations should be followed when using and handling products containing butyltin mercaptide.

Precautions for use

Due to its potential health and environmental risks, the use of tin butylmercaptide requires strict compliance with safety guidelines. In industrial production, operators should wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, protective glasses and respiratory masks to reduce the risk of direct contact and inhalation. In addition, discarded butyltin mercaptide and the products it contains should be disposed of in accordance with hazardous waste treatment standards to avoid environmental pollution.


Butyltin mercaptide, as a member of organotin stabilizers, plays an indispensable role in PVC processing with its unique physical and chemical properties. missing role. However, its use also comes with safety and environmental considerations, and appropriate precautions need to be taken to ensure user safety and environmental sustainability.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

The role and advantages of butyltin mercaptide as a PVC stabilizer

Butylmercaptostannane, an organotin compound, is used in polyvinyl chloride due to its excellent thermal stability and transparency. (PVC) processing plays a vital role. As a widely used thermoplastic, PVC is widely used in many industries such as construction, packaging, wires and cables due to its excellent mechanical properties and processing properties. However, PVC is susceptible to degradation due to heat and light during processing and use, resulting in performance deterioration. Therefore, adding effective stabilizers has become the key to improving the quality of PVC and extending its service life.

Stabilization mechanism of butyltin mercaptide

Butyltin mercaptide is an efficient PVC stabilizer. Its mechanism of action is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

  1. Inhibit dehydrochlorination reaction: PVC is prone to dehydrochlorination reaction at high temperatures, leading to molecular chain breakage and degradation. Butyltin mercaptide can capture free radicals and interrupt this chain reaction, thereby protecting the PVC molecular chain from damage.
  2. Eliminate unstable chlorine atoms: Unstable chlorine atoms on the PVC molecular chain are “hot spots” that trigger degradation. Butyltin mercaptide is able to react with these unstable chlorine atoms, converting them into a more stable structure, reducing the chance of chain breakage.
  3. Chelation: The thiol group in butyltin mercaptide can form a chelate with the metal ions on the PVC molecular chain, reducing the catalytic effect of the metal ions and further inhibiting the degradation reaction. .
  4. Antioxidant effect: Butyltin mercaptide can also provide antioxidant protection to prevent PVC from aging due to oxidation during processing and use.

Advantages of butyltin mercaptide

Compared with traditional lead salt or calcium zinc stabilizers, butyltin mercaptide shows the following advantages in PVC stabilizers:

  1. Thermal Stability: Butyltin mercaptide has excellent thermal stability and can provide lasting protection under the high temperature conditions of PVC processing, ensuring the processing performance and product quality of PVC products.
  2. Transparency: For transparent or translucent PVC products, tin butyl mercaptide can provide excellent transparency and will not cause fogging or discoloration like some metal soap stabilizers. .
  3. Compatibility: Tin butyl mercaptide has good compatibility with PVC and is easy to disperse in the PVC complex without affecting the surface properties and electrical properties of the product.
  4. Fluidity: Compared with other organotin stabilizers, butyltin mercaptide has better fluidity, which is beneficial to the flow of materials during PVC processing and improves processing efficiency.
  5. Synergistic effect: Tin butyl mercaptide can work synergistically with other stabilizers such as antioxidants and light stabilizers to jointly improve the overall performance of PVC.

Application cases

In rigid PVC products, such as pipes, profiles and plates, butyltin mercaptide is used as the main stabilizer or co-stabilizer, which can Significantly improves the thermal and color stability of products, especially under long-term outdoor use conditions. In addition, in soft PVC, such as films and cable insulation materials, butyltin mercaptide can also exert its excellent stabilizing effect and extend product life.


As a PVC stabilizer, butyltin mercaptide provides comprehensive protection for PVC products with its unique chemical structure and stabilizing mechanism, making it perform well in a wide range of industrial applications. However, considering the environmental and health effects of organotin compounds, the industry is also constantly exploring more environmentally friendly alternatives, such as calcium-zinc composite stabilizers, in order to reduce the burden on the environment while maintaining product performance.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Environmentally friendly substitute for dioctyltin oxide

Di-n-octyltin oxide (DOTO) is widely used in polyurethane, polycarbonate and other materials due to its efficient catalytic properties. It is widely used in the field of organic synthesis. However, in recent years, the international use of dioctyltin oxide has been increasingly restricted due to its potential bioaccumulation and potential toxicity to the environment and human health, especially its effects on the reproductive system. The EU REACH regulations and other international standards have set strict restrictions on its use. Therefore, finding environmentally friendly alternatives to dioctyltin oxide has become an urgent need in the industry.

Criteria for selecting alternatives

Ideal environmentally friendly alternatives should have the following properties:

  • Efficient catalytic activity: It can effectively catalyze related chemical reactions to ensure production efficiency.
  • Low-toxic or non-toxic: Little impact on human health and the ecological environment.
  • Biodegradability: Ability to break down in the natural environment, reducing long-term cumulative risks.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Compared with dioctyltin oxide, it has equivalent or better economic benefits.
  • Stability: Remains stable during storage and use and is not prone to deterioration.

Examples of environmentally friendly alternatives

1. Organobismuth compounds

Organobismuth compounds (such as tributylbismuth oxide) as catalysts have been considered as effective alternatives to dioctyltin oxide due to their low bioaccumulation potential and relatively low toxicity. They show good catalytic activity in the synthesis of polyurethanes and polycarbonates, and in some applications the catalytic efficiency is even higher than that of dioctyltin oxide.

2. Zinc Compounds

Zinc compounds, such as zinc acetate, are also being explored as environmentally friendly catalysts. Although their catalytic efficiency may be slightly lower than that of dioctyltin oxide, zinc compounds can still meet the needs of industrial production by optimizing reaction conditions and catalyst formulations.

3. Titanate Catalyst

Titanate catalysts, such as titanium tetrabutoxide, have high catalytic activity and good thermal stability. They have proven effective in the manufacture of polyurethane foam while reducing negative environmental impact.

4. Organic Amine Catalyst

Organic amine catalysts, such as dimethylcyclohexylamine, have gradually become alternatives to dioctyltin oxide due to their high selectivity and environmental friendliness. They can effectively promote the reaction between isocyanates and polyols in polyurethane synthesis and have less impact on the environment.

5. Solid Acid Catalyst

Solid acid catalysts, such as zeolites, silica-supported metal oxides, are being developed for various organic synthesis reactions, including the synthesis of polyurethanes, due to their high catalytic activity, recyclability, and environmental compatibility.

Research and Development

Although several environmentally friendly alternatives have been discovered and are beginning to be used in industry, the search for more efficient and environmentally friendly catalysts remains an active area of ​​research. Advances in new materials science and green chemistry are expected to bring about new breakthroughs. For example, new catalysts prepared through nanotechnology or biocatalysts developed through bioengineering methods may become alternatives to dioctyltin oxide in the future.


With the increasing global awareness of environmental protection, research on alternatives to dioctyltin oxide has become an important topic in the fields of chemistry and materials science. Organic bismuth compounds, zinc compounds, titanate catalysts, organic amine catalysts and solid acid catalysts are currently relatively mature environmentally friendly alternatives. In the future, as scientific researchers continue to explore new catalysts, we are expected to see more efficient and environmentally friendly catalysts used in industrial production, contributing to the promotion of green chemistry and sustainable development. Continuous innovation in this field not only helps reduce pressure on the environment, but also promotes the transformation of the chemical industry into a more environmentally friendly and healthy direction.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Dioctyltin oxide MSDS data sheet

The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of Di-n-octyltin oxide (DOTO) is An important document that provides users with information on the health, safety, fire protection, transportation and emergency response of chemicals. Below, we will outline the key MSDS information of dioctyltin oxide based on the structure of the general MSDS. It should be noted that the actual MSDS may vary depending on suppliers and regions.

Part One: Chemicals and Corporate Identification

Chinese name of chemical: dioctyltin oxide
English name of chemical: Di-n-octyltin oxide
CAS No.:870-08-6
EINECS No.:212-791-1
Molecular formula: C16H34OSn
Molecular weight: about 361.15 g/mol

Part 2: Risk Overview

Dioctyltin oxide is a toxic chemical that may cause harm to the human body if swallowed, inhaled or in contact with the skin. Direct contact with eyes, skin and clothing should be avoided, and inhalation of vapor or dust should be avoided.

Part 3: Composition/Information Components

Main ingredient: dioctyltin oxide
Impurities: May contain trace amounts of unspecified impurities
Concentration: Purity can reach 99%

Part 4: First Aid Measures

Inhalation: Move quickly to fresh air and keep breathing smoothly. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately.
Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing immediately and rinse skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
Eye contact: Open your eyelids immediately, rinse with running water for at least 15 minutes, and then seek medical advice.
Swallowing: Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water immediately. Do not drink large amounts of water. Get medical attention immediately.

Part 5: Firefighting Measures

Fire-fighting methods and fire-extinguishing media: Use dry powder, carbon dioxide or foam fire extinguishers.
Fire Fighting Precautions: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and avoid breathing fumes from combustion.

Part Six: Emergency Response to Spills

Emergency Action: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment and avoid direct contact with spilled material. Use appropriate tools to collect leakage, place in a sealed container, and dispose in accordance with local regulations.

Part 7: Handling and Storage

Operating Precautions: Operate in a well-ventilated area and avoid inhaling steam or dust. Use appropriate gloves, glasses and work clothes.
Storage Precautions: Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, away from sources of fire and incompatible substances. Keep sealed.

Part 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering controls: Use local exhaust or general ventilation.
Respiratory protection: Wear a dust mask when necessary.
Eye Protection: Use chemical safety glasses or a face shield.
Body protection: Wear protective clothing.
Hand protection: Wear suitable chemical-resistant gloves.

Part 9: Physical and chemical properties

Appearance and properties: white to yellow powder
pH: Not applicable
Boiling Point: Not applicable
Melting point: about 45-48°C
Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluble in some organic solvents

Part 10: Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Stable under normal conditions of storage and use.
Conditions to avoid: Strong oxidizing agents, acids, water.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: May produce toxic gases including tin oxide and carbon monoxide when burned.

Part 11: Toxicological Information

Acute toxicity: LD50 (oral in mice) may exceed 2000 mg/kg
Irritation: Mild to moderate irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory tract
Sensitization: None reported
Mutagenicity: None reported
Carcinogenicity: Not classified by IARC
Reproductive toxicity: None reported

Part 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Toxic to aquatic life
Biodegradability: Not easily biodegradable
Non-biodegradability: Photolysis and chemical degradation may be limited

Part 13: Disposal

Dispose in accordance with local environmental regulations to avoid environmental pollution.

Part 14: Shipping Information

United Nations Number:UN No.
Packaging category: III
Dangerous Goods Number: Not applicable
Packaging Mark: Toxic

Part 15: Regulatory Information

Comply with all applicable national and international regulations.

Part 16: Other information

References: Relevant regulations, standards and research literature
Revision Date: The most recent revisionDate
Manufacturer/Supplier Information: Company name, address, phone number, and email

Please note that the above information is a general description, and the specific MSDS should contain detailed chemical safety information and new regulatory requirements. Always refer to the new MSDS document and follow all safety guidelines when handling dioctyltin oxide.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Dioctyltin oxide catalyst application

Dioctyltin oxide (chemical formula: C16H34OSn), usually abbreviated as DOTO, is an important organotin compound used as a chemical compound in the chemical industry. Efficient catalysts are widely used. It is known for its good catalytic activity, selectivity and stability, and plays a key role in polymer chemistry, esterification reactions and transesterification reactions.

Applications in polymer chemistry

In the field of polymer chemistry, dioctyltin oxide is particularly suitable for catalyzing the synthesis of polyesters. For example, in the synthesis process of polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), dioctyltin oxide can effectively accelerate the esterification reaction and improve the yield and quality of the polymer. Additionally, due to its lower toxicity compared to other organotin catalysts such as dibutyltin oxide, dioctyltin oxide becomes a more environmentally friendly choice, especially in applications where catalyst residues are strictly limited.

Production of PVC heat stabilizer

Dioctyltin oxide also plays an important role in the production of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) heat stabilizers. PVC easily decomposes at high temperatures, and adding heat stabilizers can prevent this decomposition and maintain the performance of PVC. As a catalyst, dioctyltin oxide can promote the effective synthesis of heat stabilizers, thus improving the quality and service life of PVC products.

Paint and coating industry

In the paint and coatings industry, dioctyltin oxide is used to enhance the properties of coatings. It can participate in the curing process of the coating as a catalyst, speed up the drying speed of the coating, and improve the hardness and weather resistance of the coating. This makes dioctyltin oxide one of the important additives for the production of high-performance paints and coatings.

ester exchange reaction

The transesterification reaction is crucial in the production of biodiesel, and dioctyltin oxide, as an efficient catalyst, can significantly increase the reaction rate and yield. In the transesterification reaction, vegetable oil or animal fat reacts with alcohol to generate biodiesel. The presence of dioctyltin oxide can effectively lower the reaction temperature, reduce the formation of by-products, and improve the purity of biodiesel.

Antioxidant production

In the production of antioxidants, dioctyltin oxide can also be used as a catalyst. Antioxidants are used to protect various materials from oxidative degradation and are widely used in plastics, rubber, lubricants and other fields. By using dioctyltin oxide as a catalyst, the synthesis efficiency of antioxidants can be improved and product quality can be ensured.


In summary, dioctyltin oxide has demonstrated outstanding performance in many fields of the chemical industry with its unique chemical properties and catalytic properties. Excellent application value. Whether facilitating polymer synthesis or increasing the efficiency of production of paints, coatings, biodiesel and antioxidants, dioctyltin oxide has proven itself to be an indispensable catalytic tool. With the advancement of science and technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, we are expected to see more innovative application scenarios in the future, allowing dioctyltin oxide to play a greater role in green chemistry and sustainable development.

Extended reading:

CAS:2212-32-0 – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co., LTD

N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine – Manufacturer of N,N-Dicyclohexylmethylamine and N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine – Shanghai Ohans Co ., LTD

bismuth neodecanoate/CAS 251-964-6 – Amine Catalysts (

stannous neodecanoate catalysts – Amine Catalysts (

polyurethane tertiary amine catalyst/Dabco 2039 catalyst – Amine Catalysts (

DMCHA – morpholine

N-Methylmorpholine – morpholine

Polycat 41 catalyst CAS10294-43-5 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE

Polycat DBU catalyst CAS6674-22-2 Evonik Germany – BDMAEE